What’s your impression of the new Clio in
terms of quality?
The new car represents a significant leap
forward from a technological point of view, as
well as being more challenging to drive, since
the rear end is quite low, and this can make it
difficult for drivers to handle. On the other
hand, it’s also fun to drive; using the new
maps we have measured 245 horsepower.
The limit of the previous Clio was that the
engine was slightly underpowered”.
What are the consequences of the switch to
the turbo engine from a technical point of
view, and how does it affect the driver?
In terms of delivery, the new engine is a
much less complicated, there’s a lot more low
end torque; it’s more driver friendly, despite
the additional horsepower. Thanks to the
turbo-compressor, it was fairly straightforward
to increase the power simply by working on
the electronics”.
What changes have been made to the
chassis and what general developments have
been made?
One of the most important features of the
new model, and one that sets it apart even
further from its street counterpart, is the
welded roll-bar, which provides increased
rigidity with respect to the bolted version.
Generally speaking, there are a lot of
components that have been specifically
produced for this version. For example, we’ve
fitted floating disks on the front brakes, and
while it is still fitted with a dog-clutch, 6 gear
sequential gear box, the new version uses
semi-automatic transmission, with the paddle
mounted behind the steering wheel”.
Have there been any improvements to the
The vehicle does not feature any electronic
control, ABS or traction control. Even the
servo-brake has been removed to guarantee
a race feeling. On the other hand, data
acquisition has been enhanced, including
many more parameters and even a GPS
system that displays the track with a dot
indicating the current position of the driver.
Drivers can even monitor the various lap
sectors in real time, although this is difficult
when driving”.
What impact has the new model had on
running costs?
Unfortunately, we have had to purchase
numerous spare parts because we have
already written one off… Let’s say that, in
general, it’s a little more expensive than the
old model, but not unreasonably so. Also the
cost associated with certain types of
breakages or accidents is as much a question
of luck as anything else. That said, as always
with Renault, the product is extremely reliable,
and the new brakes have actually resolved a
couple of long-standing problems”.
You’re competing in both the Italian and
European competitions. How is it going?
We’re currently running five cars in the
European competition, plus the two cars in
the satellite Seminole team. We expect to
enter a healthy number of cars in the Italian