What are the differences when compared
to the "big sisters", Eurocup F.Renault 2.0?
ALPS is simply more suitable for drivers
who have graduated from kart racing and
are looking to break into the world of
F.Renault. A lot of youngsters try to skip a
stage, and move straight on to the
Eurocup, but this is a mistake, the level of
competition is too high for young drivers at
their first experience in single-seaters,
however talented they may be. Also, they
get to spend a lot less time behind the
wheel, and this is detrimental for those who
still have everything to learn. The ones who
really know what they're doing choose
ALPS for their debut: they get plenty of
track time during race weekends and
there’s no limit on private practice, and this
means that it is the ideal conditions under
which to develop new talent. From our
point of view, just one year of competing in
this championship is not sufficient
preparation for the move to Eurocup".
This year’s championship is much less
international than last year’s, with Spa
being the only stage to be held outside
Italy. What difference does this make to
you?vissuto questo cambiamento?
Since we are based in Barcelona, it’s
highly advantageous from a logistical point
of view, so I guess we could say that the
situation works in our favour. Also, the
Italian tracks include Monza, Mugello and
Imola, all of which are highly selective and
extremely helpful in the development of
the drivers. Naturally, it would have been
nice to have a few more international
circuits, especially some that are also
included in the Formula 1 calendar. We
realise that, in the current climate, it is
important to very wary of the cost/benefit
ratio, but let’s hope it’s possible to include
some of the circuits that are part of the
Circus’ in the future".
This year you’re sporting the colours of
SMP Bank, who have chosen you as
partners in their program to develop
talented young Russian drivers. How does
this collaboration work in practice?
It was them that sought us out, and
naturally we were very pleased to have
been identified as a reference team for a
project of this nature. They are in the early
stages of a long term project, so it’s
entirely understandable that they’re still
looking for the right formula, perfecting it
one step at a time. For our part, we can
offer them our experience, technical know-
how and much more, as well as making
sure that they don't have to worry about
anything that falls outside the priorities of
their program. It’s a stimulating situation
with a great deal of potential, and we hope
that our involvement continues for the
foreseeable future".
You’ve got Nyck De Vries and Guilherme
Interview with
Afa Heikkinen