Tatuus iMagazine

14 What were the strong points of the category and where can it improve? «The strong point of this series is the investments to help us become better drivers. We share data and videos, the basic setup is the same for everyone and therefore the performance levels are close. A good addition would be an extra race during the weekends and maybe a few more race weekends» How did you like the Tatuus racecar? What are the advantages of the car? «Initially, I had to adapt a lot and adapt my driving style as well. It is a machine with great performance, but it must be driven in a specific way to make it fast. Its strongest point is the braking: you can push yourself further and further and it doesn't lock-up easily. Another strong point is the grip on the wet» What would you recommend to fellow drivers who will face the same challenge next season? «To prepare very very well physically, especially the shoulders, and to work on their ability to adapt very quickly in terms of their driving and the approach to the championship in general» Which addition la circuits would you like to see in the W Series? «Definitely some Italian tracks. This year we had Misano, but I would like Mugello too, as well as Spa-Francorchamps and maybe some extra- European track» What were the best and worst moment of the season for you? «The best was certainly the weekend at Misano, I brought home my best result in my home race. The worst, maybe the first race at Hockenheim, where I made a series of mistakes» Do you believe that the series has contributed, or can do it in the future, to improve the image of female drivers? «It’s pretty self-explanatory. If it wasn’t for this series, I as well as other female racers would have not raced this season. The races enabled us to improve ourselves. The action is pretty exciting with tight competition which is synonimous with high quality».». «THE STRONG POINT OF THIS SERIES IS THE INVESTMENTS TO HELP US BECOME BETTER DRIVERS. WE SHARE DATA AND VIDEOS, THE BASIC SETUP IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE AND THEREFORE THE PERFORMANCE LEVELS ARE CLOSE. A GOOD ADDITION WOULD BE AN EXTRA RACE DURING THE WEEKENDS AND MAYBE A FEWMORE RACE WEEKENDS»