Tatuus iMagazine

15 Do you think that the Renault championship will grow further and achieve the success that Renault 2.0 enjoyed in the past? «Absolutely yes! In my opinion, it is a championship of the highest value and with really talented drivers. The calendar is perfect, as there are only F1 venues. The organization is very efficient and helpful. There a truly excellent collaboration between the teams and the organization, which is not obvious in other series. The new Eurocup Renault will not take long to reach the heights of the old 2.0.» As for F4, the new Tatuus will arrive in 2021. Do you think it will be very different? «The new F4 will certainly be different, it will also reflect the new FIA safety standards, therefore it will be equipped with the Halo which will significantly increase the total weight of the car. The car will be wider and longer, which is absolutely positive. In the current F4, for example, it is difficult to fit in for drivers taller than 180 cm. The engine should remain the same as the current F4, perhaps with a little more horsepower to match the weight gain of the car. In my opinion, safety is never too much, especially in an entry-level category such as the F4, where 15-year-old drivers come mostly from karting. If it was up to me, I would have anticipated the arrival of the new car by a year.» Belov protagonist absolute of the F4 Championship Marinangeli was one of the best F4 rookies in Italy