Tatuus iMagazine

34 Teaming up for future Talking with Giorgio Breda, Business Development & Brand Identity Leader of Breda Racing, we discover more about the history and goals of the renowned Italian company that is experiencing a new cycle of development and innovation in a quickly-expanding group like Eccellenze Motorsport Italia. Excellent technology, joined by the attention to the human factor, are the pillars of the new project, intending to pair the excitement of young individuals with the experience of people who worked for decades with hugely prestigious brands and teams by Stefano Semeraro How the connection with Autotecnica and Tatuus was made? What are the current projects? «Breda Racing has been supplying mechanical components for Tatuus cars for about twenty years. We started our relationship with FR2000 which was one of the most successful racecars in terms of sales for the following years. Over time, the mutual trust had developed and Tatuus involved us in their following projects. On the other hand, we had no working relationships with Autotecnica, but we got in touch through Tatuus». What is the role of Breda Racing inside EMI? «Our company has a great ability in producing all the mechanical components necessary for the construction of a racing car. Besides, it designs and builds pit-lane and garage equipment, which is standard for cars and it is, therefore, an important element in the EMI project. Our company’s strongest features are precision, high quality and the speed in responding to the requests made by our customers. That really fits in with the goals of EMI». Can you outline the history of Breda Racing and highlight some key moments? «The first step as a company took place after a period in which Giorgio and Roberto Breda worked with racing teams. The company was founded in 1988 to create career stability for the whole group of