Tatuus iMagazine

35 «Initially our market was almost exclusively national and the production was basically based on mechanical components for racing cars. To this day, the national market is still the reference one for this sector. Then we started to design equipment, such as pneumatic lifters, which are now adopted by most championships and teams. This began to open up the foreign market, which until then had been very small. Furthermore, when Giorgio Breda focused all his activity on the company, interrupting his collaboration with the team as a race engineer, we developed different types of equipment on our own. That marked the beginning of a new cycle. This kind of equipment has been adopted by top teams in prestigious championships such as Formula 1, but not only there. Customers are predominantly European so the development of sales abroad have been very important since 2012. They now account for 30% of our turnover. The needs of this type of customer pushed our ability to offer the best to higher levels, with continuous optimization and innovation, triggering the expansion of some business areas. Also, it brought a change of perspective in those who are mostly in contact with this type of customer. For example, the Technical and / or Design Office, which integrates the Quality department, is vital and constantly growing. In recent years, it is continuing to expand for obvious reasons, and equipment certifications are also managed within it. No less important is the Commercial development department, which manages the equipment and takes care of the relationships with the teams in the championships. It also collaborates with the Technical Office which is transforming the corporate approach to adapt it to current needs. Thanks to this new approach, the goal for the equipment division has become not only to increase our presence in the European championships but also to create solid foundations for a more significant expansion in the American and Asian markets, in which we are currently present albeit in a small percentage». people who collaborated with them in the single-seater championships of the time. Since then, Breda started producing components for car manufacturers such as Dallara and Lucchini. So the production department grew up even if, in the early days, it coexisted with the on-track relationships with the teams. A separate phase came with the design and construction of a prototype car, a project that had to be cut off fairly quickly for economic reasons. But what might have seemed like a failure, actually allowed the company to focus on the production and design of equipment, expanding the number of customers who valued our precision and our production skills». What are the businesses you are involved in and where you would like to expand? «The core business is still motorsport, but the production of components for high-level road cars, manufactured in limited series, is an integral part of our business. Our main goal is to consolidate the businesses in which we are already present, and possibly gain even greater importance before focusing on other fields of application». What are your current key markets and the most interesting ones for the future?