Tatuus iMagazine

5 and its systems. The collaboration between the Toyota engineers and Tatuus was as good as ever. Even if carried out thousands of kilometres apart, the design phase worked flawlessly. We were provided with one of the engines to carry out the installation on our first prototype, after which the Toyota engineers came to Italy to follow the first few miles of testing. We then produced and shipped the kits to New Zealand, where the assembly took place jointly with our technicians, who remained there to assist in the championship. I want to point out that all the cars then ran without any problem, and to the general satisfaction of the teams and drivers." The T‐318 Formula Regional chassis confirmed its versatility. Since 2018, it was paired with three different engines and was fitted with tyre coming from several manufacturers. It's almost unique in the current panorama... "I think it is the chassis in operation that received the most different engines and tires, and always with excellent results. After all, it was designed to the FIA specifications for higher categories. For example, we had to comply with Formula 1 safety requirements, if not even stricter under some chapters which the F1 World Championship teams can self‐certify and we cannot. It is a real Formula 3 chassis, and it proved versatile by welcoming Alfa Romeo, Renault and Toyota units as well as Pirelli, Hankook and Giti tires. But even Michelin tyres with 17‐inch wheels were used, in the Ultimate Cup in France." Next year, Formula Regional and Formula Renault Eurocup will be united, with the debut of Formula Regional by Alpine. How did you welcome the news? “From the point of view of our group, which includes Autotecnica Motori, that could have been seen as a disadvantage. In fact, as a group, considering the numbers of the two championships and the drivers composing the possible pools, we reckon that the best solution is one series with top‐class grids and visibility. Renault, a long‐time partner for Tatuus, knows best about promotion. The merger with ACI Sport, which holds the Regional European title, will be a winning element. From the technical point of view, two main technical aspects of the series will be combined. The French manufacturer's engines and Pirelli tyres. We expect it to be a success.” The W Series will restart in 2021 with a greatly valuable feature. The series will run alongside Formula 1 in eight races. “For how much the suspension of the 2020 championship was so sad due to the well‐known consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic, so much sensational is the news of the tie‐up between W Series and Formula 1. This is a success of the W Series creators, who believed in the idea, unique in the world, of creating a showcase for woman racers only. And it is also a flagship for Tatuus, which will have its cars to support the maximum expression of motorsport. The W Series and this is confirmed by those who already followed it, is a splendid championship with an organizational and promotional machine that has very few equals. For Tatuus and Autotecnica, it is an important point of recognition. A series does not become a support category for F1 by chance, it only happens with guarantees of a certain number of entrants on the grid and with the quality of a technical package. For us, it is a reason for extreme pride.” The F3 Asia championship will also start this winter with an agile and compressed format... “Since the series will be running between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in addition to the compact calendar, I imagine F3 Asia will benefit from the involvement of teams that until now were part of the European Formula Regional championship with the Tatuus chassis powered by Autotecnica engines. Being in contact with promoter Davide De Gobbi, I know that there are already well‐established contacts which will lead to a growing entry. Obviously, we need to understand what all the logistic aspects will be for the teams, drivers and staff coming from Europe.” Coming to Formula 4, Tatuus is still a world key benchmark with the Italian and British championships, plus an ever‐growing Spanish series. "We are delighted with what we saw in Spain. The car counts of the championship were made possible also thanks to the presence of Autotecnica and Tatuus, with our constant technical support that was much appreciated among the teams. Little by little, the grid has grown in quantity and quality, and it is a great satisfaction to see such a rise in only two years. Obviously, the pinnacle of F4 remains Italy. It is great just to think that the 2020 average count was always between 27 to 28, with many teams at the start and a great fight for the titles. Compared to the past, we also had a large group of Italian drivers. ACI Sport and the Italian Federal School are reaping up the dividends of their great job in terms of growth of the Italian young driver pool. The German championship suffered a bit in terms of entries this year, but the quality of the teams involver has remained very high.” Toyota Racing Series