Tatuus iMagazine ENG

TatuusMagazine 1 7 by Mattia Tremolada F rom January 1st, 2023, Tatuus officially left its previous headquarters in Concorezzo and moved to the new factory located be- tween Lainate and Arese. The new building sits on the grounds of the historical Alfa Romeo Arese factory. The choice brings an emotional continuity between two Italian brands that wrote many successful pages in motorsport history. A highly-efficient approach The development happened over 15 months and the new headquar- ters will welcome all the company’s departments. And the departments had a huge role in the design, col- laborating with CEO Giovanni Delf- ino to study the building plans and optimize the spaces to adapt them to their specific requirements. Not a lot was carried over from the old Concorezzo factory except for some tooling, while the bulk of the machinery was completely renewed to facilitate production, logistics and procedures. Let’s discover the new ultra-modern Tatuus Arese home, featuring three times more space. The new factory embodies the company’s exponential quantitative and qualitative growth and its goal of continuing on the same path in the future. COVERED SURFACE 3.800 MQ TOTAL SURFACE 9.000 MQ