TCR World and life
25 woman in the series. In fact Amalia Vinyes and Alba finished 1-2 in the season opener, and Vinyes was a strong contender for the title. “It proves that women in motorsport can compete at the same level as the best male drivers. Motorsport requires being physically strong but it depends more on your driving skills. This makes gender differences less influential. There have been a growing number of female drivers participating in motorsport so in an upcoming future this will no longer be news. Amalia is a great driver and person. She comes from a racing family and has a remarkable experience with the CUPRA in the CER and international races. She has had a great season after becoming a mother, which shows that motherhood is not a disadvantage to compete in motorsport.” Until last July, Alba was an employee at transmission specialist Ricardo in the UK “I was working as vehicle emission test engineer at Ricardo. My degree and my masters in motorsport engineering have helped me to understand better the behaviour and the set-up of the vehicle. It has also been an advantage towards my race management.” And now, what comes next? “We have just finished the season, so we are not sure what we will do next year yet. After the Christmas break we will meet up with Monlau to discuss the different options that we may have. Our interest is to take a further step and compete in international races in either TCR Europe or WTCR but this will depend on the budgets.”
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