Pagina 5 - Fastlane Magazine

weekend format that gave the drivers
extended time behind the wheel were
among the factors that made the initial
meeting at Vallelunga a stand-out event.
These aspects also helped to convince
the Ferrari Driver Academy and the
McLaren Driver Development
Programme to enter a couple of their
pupils" in the competition: Antonio
Fuoco and Nyck De Vries, respectively.
Equally interesting was the diverse
nature of the 36 drivers who participated
at Vallelunga. In fact, there were
eighteen different national flags on
display in the paddock. Ten different
European countries were represented,
as well as three from Asia, two from
South America, one from Central
America, one from North America and
even one from Oceania. A truly global
event that underlines the
uncontrollable” popularity enjoyed by
F.Renault 2.0 ALPS. After the success of
the first seven meetings of the season,
the second round will be held on the
circuit in Imola during the weekend of
the 12th May.