Fastlane Magazine - page 7

of Bologna, which means that I can get home
in time to get up for work on Monday morning”.
So we’ll be seeing you again in 2014?
“I certainly hope to continue. Next year we'll be
introducing the new car that they're currently
using in the Eurocup Clio, so the costs may go
up. But I’ll do all that I can to make sure that I
can stay in the Italian championship with
Composit. I’m so grateful to the team, as well
as my tutors, Ricciarini and Lenzotti, who have
taught me so much over the years. Not to
mention Fast Lane who have always supported
me, even when things were going badly. The
European championship’s another matter,
there’s some really stiff competition and I’d
need to do a lot more testing to get up to that
level, which would be impossible as I also have
a building firm to run”.
What does your family think?
“My daughter Laura, who’s 28, is my biggest
fan. She never leaves me for a moment, and
follows me everywhere. She took part in the
Clio Cup for a little while too, but she had to
stop due to a back problem. Who knows,
maybe she’ll race again one day”.
There are two meetings left in 2013. What are
your expectations?
“I’d like to see what it feels like to stand on the
podium, and I’m going to do all I can to find
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