drivers to test for free. There aren't many
exciting names. Some has emerged from our
school though, and from a communication
standpoint they haven't been sold as well as
in other environments. Three drivers
emerged in Formula 4, Drudi, Pulcini and
Russo. I don't want to draw a chart, but these
are the three names to keep an eye on. We
have two or three more karting drivers. In
the last few years, drivers like Fuoco and
Giovinazzi emerged, and even if they
benefitted from budgets coming from Ferrari
or abroad, they made their first steps in
Italian kart racing before going international.
They first drove a car in our school, and they
are currently performing well in the
European Formula 3 championship. There
are also drivers that are lucky enough to have
some backing, but others would deserve
something more and they have to deal with
the crisis instead. There are just a few
resources in Italy at the moment, it
something that it can't be denied».
Do you think that the federal courses are
ok like they are or do you have new ideas
for the future?
«The Federation is tirelessly working to find
new resources to be made available to Italian
young drivers, so they could invest in
formative activities with kart racers. Next
year there will be drivers that now are 14 and
they seem really interesting prospects. From
my point of view, I hope that the same thing
that CSAI is doing for rallying ‐ with the
birth of the Aci Team Italia Rally, a national
team ‐ will be done for road racing too.
We're already trying to figure out how to
start a project like this, and how many
drivers can be involved. If something similar
can take place, with the right amount of
resources, the school would be able to play a
key role in the future projects' management".
Raffaele Giammaria
with Pirelli’s
Terenzio Testoni