As people would say for an internet video,
Formula 4 has gone viral. The series,
strongly supported by the FIA, is captivating
a lot of interests also outside For 2015,
German automobile federation ADAC
decided to rely on the Tatuus chassis for the
new F.4 championship. «We looked around
quite a lot, and took many manufacturers in
consideration ‐ said Hermann Tomczyk ‐ we
also asked several teams for advice ad ran
lots of testing. In the end, our choice was
Tatuus». It's been a deserved and welcomed
acknowledgement for the Northern Italian
company located in Concorezzo, whose
excellence in developmental racing was once
again recognized at international level.
«Tatuus impressed both the teams and
ourselves not only for their design and
building ability in terms of the car, or for the
high safety standard ‐ said ADAC
Motorsport chief Lars Soutschka ‐ but also
for the assistance that they can provide. We
are sure that our collaboration will bring
more success». The German F.4 cars will be
powered by turbocharged Abarth engines
and fitted with Pirelli tires. The races will be
televised by satellite channel Sport1+. The
calendar features eight rounds, of which two
abroad, and will start on April 25 and 26 at
Germany calls Italy
«After exhaustive testing,
we chose Tatuus»”