How did your relationship with Tatuus start?
Which projects are you sharing?
«Our relationship with Tatuus dates back to the
early nineties when they were still a renowned
Formula 3 team. Their cars were fitted with AIM
data acquisition systems. With the passing of
time and with the arrival of the FR2000 car
which was exclusively produced by Tatuus for
Renault Sport, AIM was chosen as a supplier of
data acquisition systems for those cars. Thanks to
the experience made in the series, AIM was able
to improve and develop new systems that were a
better fit for open‐wheel racing. One thing led to
another, and we are still together. Our current
relationship with Tatuus was strengthened by the
arrival of the new Formula 4 category. The cars
are fitted with AIM data acquisition and camera
car systems».
What is the importance of data acquisition
and transmission in modern motorsport?
«In the last 15 years we witnessed an exponential
growth in terms of the interest, and of course
use, of data acquisition systems in all the areas of
motorsports, from karting and mini‐bikes to the
developmental and major categories. At
professional level, it is currently not possible to
avoid using those instruments because they are
the key to evaluate the vehicle’s set‐up and the
professional improvement of the drivers,
especially the younger ones. Also, this business
has reached significant diffusion in amateur
motorsport especially with some less
sophisticated applications».
What is your role in terms of coaching young
drivers? Are there any instruments dedicated
to that task?
«In terms of the professional development of
young and also already‐successful drivers, people
don’t only rely on traditional data acquisition
systems. There are brand‐new onboard camera
systems which AIM as a specific ability to design.
They pair the video with several parameters that
appear on overlay. It enables a quicker
understanding and more ease of use. The driver
is able to re‐live his performance in retrospect
just by looking at a computer screen».
What is the state‐of‐the‐art of the
technology? Which products are used in
Formula 4?
«It’s really important to consider the the
electronic components are more and more
sophisticated nowadays. They allow us to
produce instruments with better performance
while progressively reducing the dimensions.
Today’s Formula 4 engines are equipped with our
EVO4 acquisition systems, featuring a GPS
module and the SmartyCam‐GP‐HD cameras”.