By Jacopo Rubino
The series was officially launched on the 2nd of February in
Dubai, under the majestic Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest
skyscraper at 829,8 meters. And the ambitions of the new
championship are equally high.
Il lancio ufficiale è avvenuto il 2 febbraio a Dubai, ai piedi
del maestoso Burj Khalifa, che con i suoi 829,8 metri è il
grattacielo più alto del podio. Elevate del resto sono le
ambizioni di questo progetto. «Formula 4 is an huge
accomplishment for our nation. Develop a new generation of
drivers, especially coming from the Emirates, is the main
goal in order to pursuit the growth of the motorsports
panorama in the area» said Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al
Nahyan, Minister of Sports and Culture of the UAE. The
President of the local Automobile Club (ACTUE) is aiming
high too. «Having a driver moving up from here and landing
a Formula 1 drive would be fantastic», he said.
F.4 set
Gulf debut