Shanghai, Round 1, Saturday 5 August
1. Huang Chu Han (Audi RS3 LMS); 2.
Sunny Wong (Volkswagen Golf); 3.
Andy Yan (Audi RS3 LMS)
Shanghai, Round 2, Sunday 6 August
1. Andy Yan (Audi RS3 LMS); Filipe de
Souza (Volkswagen Golf); 3. Paul Poon
(Volkswagen Golf)
Shanghai, Round 3, Sunday 6 August
1. Andy Yan (Audi RS3 LMS); 2.
Sunny Wong/Alex Fung (Volkswagen
Golf); 3. Paul Poon/Alex Hui
(Volkswagen Golf)
Shanghai, Round 4, Saturday 26
1. Huang Chu Han (Audi RS3 LMS); 2.
Andy Yan (Audi RS3 LMS); 3. Alex
Fung (Volkswagen Golf)
Shanghai, Round 5, Sunday 27 August
1. Sunny Wong (Volkswagen Golf); 2.
Ma Qing Hua (Volkswagen Golf); 3.
Andy Yan (Audi RS3 LMS)
Shanghai, Round 6, Sunday 27 August
1. Huang Chu Han (Audi RS3 LMS); 2.
Ma Qing Hua/Alex Hui (Volkswagen
Golf); 3. Sunny Wong/Alex Fung
(Volkswagen Golf); 3.
Three weeks later the series returned
to the SIC, where TCR China drivers
and teams proved to be a fair match
for the more experienced TCR Asia
At the start of Race 1, Yan made life
hard for the eventual winner
Kantadhee Kusiri, but eventually
slipped down to fifth overall and
second in the TCR China race that
was won by his teammate Huang. In
the second sprint race, Wong claimed
the first victory in the series for
TeamWork Motorsport and
Volkswagen, beating his teammates
Ma Qing Hua and Yan.
Huang then dominated the long race
although Ma was able to close in on
him over the final laps, finishing
second with a gap of less than two
seconds. The pairing of Wong and
Fung was classified third and took
the lead in the standings.
The next event of TCR China will be
at Zhejiang Circuit on October 6th
and 7th.