Fastlane Magazine - page 23

“Excellent, in fact I’d like to stress that
we think of ourselves as partners of the
organisers. I think that everything works
really well and that the Michelin product
is exemplary. In a way our success
goes entirely under the radar since, if
no one mentions us, it means that we’re
doing our job properly and that the
teams have not had any problems. And
this is the most important victory from
our point of view. Fast Lane is a top
class organisation, as you can see from
the results achieved in Italy since 2000
and the progress that has been made
since they launched ALPS. I don’t think
there’s another category in Italy to rival
it for the sturdiness of the cars, the
number of participants or the level and
longevity of the teams”.
What activities do you perform in the
ALPS paddocks?
“We are responsible for mounting and
balancing the tyres, and preparing the
charts and barcodes for the race
officials. Each tyre has its own
manufacturing history and this is stored
in a special data base. We also provide
the teams with technical assistance and
carry out spot checks on the
temperature, pressure etc.”
How do you get the tyres from
“They ship to us on a regular basis via
their delivery service, although
occasionally we will go directly to
Clermont Ferrand to pick up the
material. One of the Michelin’s strengths
is the fact that they are based at a
single, centralised site in France, rather
than various branches all over Europe”.
Donatello Bardi
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