Fastlane Magazine - page 28

Have you always raced in the Clio, since
your debut in the sport back in 2006?
“In 2006 I took part in couple of races in
the Italian Cup. I started racing in
earnest in 2007, immediately settling on
the Clio, which has enabled me to learn
a lot, while enjoying myself at the same
time, this year being no exception; so
there was no way I was going to miss
out on the competitive swansong of the
RS at the Dunlop Cup in Alcaniz.”
Away from the Clio cup, you also
performed admirably in the Italian GT in
the more powerful Porsche.
“Driving the French berlinetta is first and
foremost a formative experience, and it
has a lot to offer in this context. It
requires a precise driving line both going
into and coming out of curves, but once
you’ve mastered the tricks of the trade it
rewards you handsomely. My experience
with the Renault Clio stood me in good
stead for more powerful GT vehicles
such as the Porsche.”
How was your 2013? At the start of the
year you had to put your racing career
on hold in order to support your son,
another Clio Cup habitué, with his racing
development. Then, when Federico
decided to take a sabbatical year, it was
back into the fray for you!
“I suddenly found myself in the thick of
the 2013 season without having done
any winter testing, since I didn't think I
was going I was to be competing this
year. But things went well right from the
first race in Vallelunga and I had a very
positive Italian championship, I
performed consistently, making every
effort to avoid mistakes, in fact I only
failed to finish on two occasions, and
both times it was down to minor
technical difficulties.”
You won the race in Mugello, finished on
the podium numerous times, came third
overall in the championship and were
awarded the title of Gentleman. A
positive year?
“I was very pleased to win the
Gentleman title, since it was one of my
objectives at the start of the season. But
I was also very keen to do well in the
overall classification. As I mentioned
during the highly enjoyable Fast lane
championship awards evening, it’s very
important to me to dedicate these two
results to my children, the title of
gentleman to Fede and the podium finish
in Italy to Giulia. Thank heavens I’ve got
two children…”.
The Fastlane awards ceremony was one
of the highlights of the season, and the
occasion was made even more special
by the location: the Ferrari museum.
“It was a magical moment, and thanks to
Fastlane I had the chance to visit this
magnificent museum, which I can
thoroughly recommend to anyone who is
passionate about motorsports. I was
particularly touched to see the
reproduction of Enzo Ferrari’s study,
complete with a waxwork model of him
sitting behind his desk. I’ve always had a
special weakness for Ferrari.”
You’ve already had the chance to try out
the new Clio Turbo in the European leg
in Barcelona. How did it go?
“It went very well, it’s an excellent car,
demanding and entertaining to drive, a
worthy heir to the RS 2.0. Thanks to
Paolo and Marco Ansaloni (Composit
Motorsport) I was able to participate at
the start of the continental series in
Catalonia, and I was very happy with my
performance. I went into this new
experience without trying to overdo
things, improving gradually and
consolidating a position in the middle of
the field.”
What’s in store for you in 2014?
“I’ve got a little surprise for you. My son
Federico and I will both be competing in
Fastlane's mono-marque competition.
He told me he wanted to get back to
full-time racing, so you'll be seeing us
back together again in the Renault Clio.”
The podium in Mugello.
From left, Ricciarini, Ansaloni,
Federico and Luciano Gioia
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