Fastlane Magazine - page 21

will come along and interrupt them. In our case, it was
Prema in 2005! To conclude: congratulations to Prema
on what they’ve achieved this year, the other teams
will have their work cut out in 2014!”
What are your plans for 2014 at ARTA?
“We’ll be competing in the Eurocup and ALPS again.
On average we achieve eight podium finishes per
season. In 2013 we finished third in the ALPS team
championship and this fills me with hope for the
future. There are a lot of very promising drivers on
our team, so I'm sure we'll remain competitive for
the foreseeable future. In 2015 we intend to broaden
our horizons and debut in a new competition, while
remaining faithful to Renault 2.0, of course”.
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