Fastlane Magazine - page 2

An all-red ceremony fo
A group lunch in a unique location
for the stars of the Fast Lane Promotion
organised series 2013 season (top). The
big winners were team Prema (above)
run by Angelo, Grazia and René Rosin
and featuring the trio of Fuoco, Ghiotto,
Bonifacio behind the wheel
The Fast Lane Promotion 2013 sporting awards ceremony was held in an
unusual, but no less glamorous setting: the Ferrari museum in Maranello,
where Domenico Porfiri’s organisation handed out the prizes to its drivers
and management teams for the Clio Cup Italia and Formula Renault 2.0
ALPS. The bond with the Ferrari organisation was further strengthened by
the recipient of the main award, directly from the Ferrari Driver Academy,
Antonio Fuoco. The 17 year old from Cosenza, together with team Prema,
‘split’ into Prema Powerteam and Prema Junior, cleaned up in the covered
wheel category, although perhaps the most significant victory of the year,
during what is a decidedly lean time in all motorsports categories, was the
fact that the competition was able to attract as many as 30 entrants. In
addition to the overall quality of the organisation, the success of the pan-
european championship also owes a great deal to the renewed partnership
with the chassis builder Tatuus, as various team-managers were keen to
observe. In addition to the numbers, another motive for satisfaction was the
continued internationalisation of the series, which featured 48 drivers from
24 different countries. The seven Russian drivers were joined by
competitors from all four corners of the globe, including Venezuela,
Singapore, Thailand, India and Brazil. Fuoco’s success at the first meeting
set him on the path to the title, a tilt at the European F.3 Championship, and
the dream of repeating the exploits of Daniil Kvyat, the 2012 ALPS
champion and latest addition to the Toro Rosso Formula 1 team. An
important factor in Antonio’s success was the support of the Prema team,
whose domination was so complete this season that they filled the top
three places in the championship. At the culmination of a season that saw
him develop both personally and professionally, Luca Ghiotto was rewarded
with the second place trophy, ahead of the Brazilian Bruno Bonifacio. No
doubt the team from Veneto, which is owned by the Rosin family, will need
to watch out for the reaction of their rival teams next time out.
If 2014 represents the continuation of a successful project for Formula
Renault ALPS, Clio Cup Italia is already looking to the future. The upcoming
season will see the debut of the Clio RS 1.6 Turbo that has only been
featured in the European series so far. Thanks to the new car the
championship expects to attract similar numbers to the covered wheel
series. And the important developments in the technical specifications will
certainly present the protagonists, starting with the reigning champion,
Ronnie Marchetti, with an extra challenge. The driver from the Marche
achieved a long-overdue victory at the end of a season where he
dominated from start to finish, winning an impressive seven races. Again,
this victory was in no small part due to the efforts of his team, Composit
Motorsport . The Ansaloni brothers’ team also took third place with Luciano
Gioia (who also took home the Gentleman title) and the Junior/Newcomers
trophy with the 17 year old Swiss driver Luana Krattiger. Second place went
to Roberto Gironacci in the GMC Motorsport. During the course of the
ceremony there was also acknowledgement for the continued support
provided by the partners Dunlop, Elf-TotalErg, Michelin and Rexta, and the
event was attended by various representatives from the parent company:
Biagio Russo, Brand Manager Marketing Department for Renault Italia, and
Rudy Thomann, International Coordination Manager for Renault Sport.
Celebrate the past while concentrating on the future: a leitmotif for Fast
Lane Promotion, who have made innovation and anticipation of the future
the cornerstones of their business.
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