Fastlane Magazine - page 25

No lead changes
at Adria
Coming out of the Austrian weekend
of the series, the teams and drivers of
the Fast Lane-promoted
championship were back on-track in
Italy at Adria, for the third round of
the 2014 season. Oscar Nogues
made a clear statement about his role
in this round. He went on to pursuit
his second consecutive pole with a
tough attitude and he accomplished
the feature in-style. Returning Nikolay
Gryazin lined-up in Row 2 with the
Composit Motorsport Clio, who was
able to prove himself by taking
second place in front of Iacone. On
Race Day things went differently
though and the latter managed to get
in the tail of Nogues at the start. The
decisive moment came right after a
safety-car intervention to remove the
crashed cars of Daniele Pasquali and
rookie Massimiliano Danetti who
tangled with each other. At the re-
start, Iacone attacked Nogues and
held onto the lead until the checkered
flag fell. In third place, the well-
performing Lorenzo Nicoli was
followed by Melatini and Ricciarini.
Cliff-hangers and excitement
continued to set the tone of the
weekend in Race 2. Confirming the
dualism showed that far, Oscar
Nogues cruised to win in front of Ivan
Pulic and Nikolay Gryazin in an all-
international 1-2-3. Simone Iacone
got a drive-through due to a contact
with Cristian Ricciarini so a 9th place
was the best results he could achieve
while Simone Melatini scored fourth
place in front of Lorenzo Nicoli and
Lorenzo Pegoraro, at his best result
with the Oregon Team-prepared Clio.
The Nogues vs. Iacone duel ended up
in a draw but the challenge will be
back on from the fourth round of the
season scheduled at Monza. The two
northern Italian races will mark the
halfway points of the season. With
less and less points to spare, every
mistake will be more and more costly.
So let another battle begin….
Cristian Ricciarini
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