Fastlane Magazine - page 15

Marek Boeckmann (Jenzer Motorsport) Spielberg
A track where you
must have ideas
“I love this track because it mixes veri quick sections to slow corners. You need to stay
focused for the whole lap, because going off-line is going to cost you lots of time. Also you
have to respect the track limits. Many drivers use the runoff areas to be faster, but the
stewards often penalize them. So the maximum amount of attention is required. I say this also
because it happened to me. Regarding the track itself, I think that the two corners before the
one that puts you on the straight are beautiful but also demanding. You get there at an high
speed and you have to avoid braking too much to be quick. You have to believe in yourself
and in your car and keep the pedal down. The track is also useful for young people because
of his mix of slow and fast part. The car’s aerodynamics work a lot and when you’re following
somebody it isn’t easy to pass because we all have the same cars with the same base
performance. So you have to invent something if you want to succeed, and that need
increases the driver’s experience. It’s definitely be a useful in the upper championships”.
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