Fastlane Magazine - page 12

Charles Leclerc (Fortec Motorsport) – Pau
A great driver experience
“Pau is a street track and it’s completely different from all others. I like it, but it’s
really really difficult. You can’t test there during the year and lining-up there for the
first time is a fearsome experience. The barriers are running very close to you and
there are no runoff areas to save you from your mistakes. You need to be quick
straight out of the box, but more than that, you need to do it while avoiding any
mistake because it would jeopardize the whole weekend. Or even end it. It’s
considered an university of motorsport, and you cannot cheat there, you have to
drive well, period. It’s a great experience for us as it’s similar to Monte Carlo, at
least for the preparation and for the amount of concentration it requires. I can’t say
what if they’re also alike in terms of driving because, despote the fact that I live in
Monaco, I’ve never driven there. What Pau teaches you will definitely be useful in
the future. I have good memories about it. I got my first podium in open-wheel
racing and put together a really rewarding weekend”.
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