Fastlane Magazine - page 22

An absolute show. That would be a good
definition for the last two rounds of the
Clio Cup Italia. Both at Spielberg and
Adria, the new weapon lined-up by
Renault Sport Technologies and used in
the Clio Cup Italia has been the absolute
star of the show. The new race car
provided spectacular races with lots of
passing and the drivers entertained the
crowds with some great battles. After
getting accustomed to it in testing and in
the opening round at Imola, they refined
their level of knowledge on a more
complex car compared to the previous
one. The Clio 1.6 RS Turbo enables the
teams to make many set-up choices and
requires a constant and deep integration
between the drivers and the engineers.
Both have to provide each other with the
best information in order to put the car’s
whole potential to fruition. And so far it
were the most experienced drivers to
prevail. But they also combines the best
speed skills with their experience while
trying to make as little mistakes as
possible. That’s what the points standings
say with Simone Iacone and Oscar
Nougues, the top drivers of this part of
the season, sharing the lead tied in
Lined-up respectively by Essecorse and
Rangoni Corse, they cruised to wins and
podiums in different ways, in a constant
mix of factors that is providing the same
results. Iacone has three wins to his
name, while Nogues has two plus more
points finishes compared to his rival. In
third place, Lorenzo Nicoli has scored a
second and a third place while Michele
Puccetti, sitting in fourth, scored a
spectacular win in the 2014 opener at
Imola. More drivers are ready to break
through tough. People like Ivan Pulic,
Simone Melatini, Massimo Ferraro,
Luciano Gioia a Cristian Ricciarini have all
what it takes to find their place in the sun.
In the next few races, they are expected
to join the battle for the lead and they
definitely won’t leave anything
unattempted in their run to the front.
Pegoraro and Puccetti
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