Fastlane Magazine - page 11

cause for a season under the expectations.
That might have been true but it's only a
small part of the story. I'd say there mas
more a problem about the people. We
regrouped, we revamped some aspects
and today I'm proud of what we
accomplished. We're back at the same
levels we knew were possible".
You saw many drivers come and go.
What is your opinion on Nyck?
"Regarding Nyck, he's a special person. A
good guy with whom has been great to
work in these last few years. Our
relationship evolved with time and we have
managed to reach all the previously
established achievements. He's a
spectacular driver with unique
characteristics that will help him in being a
champion. It's not possible to compare him
with others because everyone has his own
character and individual values".
Koiranen is a long-standing player in
racing. What are your projects?
"In addition to racing, which is our DNA
and we'll continue in, we are exploring
other possibilities. We will organize
Formula 4 in Estonia, Finland and Russia.
There will be a specific department that
wont draw attention away from the racing
one. We are trying to go on and explore
some other chances that can turn us in a
more 'global' business".
Will you stay in the ALPS too?
"Yes, like in the Eurocup. The Renault
world is where we come from, where we
consolidated our efforts and we won't
leave it. What we do on the outside is
thought to create new opportunities for the
Formula Renault 2.0 which stays at the
center of our interest. The ALPS i an high-
level series, with a good schedule that
requires lots of planning. We had good
success and will definitely here to stay".
Will you stay in the ALPS Series?
“Definitely, as well as in the Eurocup. The
world of Formula Renault is where we
come from and where we succeeded so
we won't walk away. What we do on the
outside is made to create new
opportunities for the Formula Renault 2.0
which is still a center pillar. The ALPS
championship is high-level, has a great
schedule and requires some serious
planning. We had some real success here
and we want to continue".
What's the next goal for the team?
"It's trying to win the 2014 Eurocup title
with De Vries. At the moment, our efforts
are currently focused on that".
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