Fastlane Magazine - page 15

The Clio Cup Italian season will be
decided at Vallelunga, although maybe
Mugello already showed everything about
the 2014 edition. At the spectacular
Italian venue, the balance between Oscar
Nogues and Simone Iacone in standings
got broken. The Spaniard, lined-up by
Rangoni Corse, scored two wins and
took advantage from the issues
happened to his major rivals. So he
opened up a gap in standings and will be
able to rely on 47 points of margin. An
huge amount considering that only 54 are
available. He will line-up at the Roman
venue in a relaxed fashion, aware that he
will only need to avoid trouble and score
points, something that he managed to
accomplish quite often this season. His
rival, Simone Iacone, needs to win and
hope that Nogues won't score points. It's
going to be a titanic effort for him,
although few are ready to raise bets at
this moment. The Clio Cup have already
provided drama in the past and no
situation can be taken for granted until
the checkered flag falls
The series organized by Fast Lane
Promotion is a mix of competition and
tight, hard-fought races until their very
end. The drivers want to compete and
the battles are countless. It's difficult for a
driver to complete a truly uneventful race.
Every point, every position must be
earned in an often fierce fight. So it's
easy to understand why Nogues, who's
in the best possible position, can't afford
to let go and line-up at Vallelunga for a
walk in the park. On the other hand
though, the Rangoni Spaniard is definitely
the driver in better shape. He wins in
Europe and Italy, and he often has an
unmatchable pace for his rival. He clearly
displayed that at Mugello where only a
veteran like Massimiliano PedalĂ 
managed to contend with him.
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