Spare Parts Management
Administrative Office
Can we try to go for a more detailed path?
Corrado Casiraghi:
«The first phase mainly
consists in design. Then computers and the
dedicated softwares come into play. With the
Cad, for example, we analize the suspensions,
and with Cfd we do the aero. At the same
time, we involve the people that are related to
the various systems. The electronics are
developed according to the engine, as well as
the gearbox, so you start investigating the role
of the suppliers. With the brakes, you decide
if the calipers will be Brembo, Ap or
Performance Friction, and you adapt the
design according to that choice. Then you
start a technical and marketing support. If we
plan a year‐long development, we get in touch
with suppliers in February. There are some
priorities though. The brakes, for example, are
a critical component, as well as the
suspensions. Changing the brakes at the
middle of the development stage can have
some serious repercussions. For the other
components, the fuel tank for example, you
have more tolerance because it can be adapted
to our needs. We must use our experience to
decide which parts must come first».
At what point you make a choice about the
Corrado Casiraghi: «In the last few years, the
speed in assembling the components has grown
exponentially. When the design is fully defined,
and the details are sufficiently clear, the orders
can start. From the moment the first part
arrives to the completion of the prototype we
have more or less one month. Luckily, we can
produce many of the components internally and
that really helps the overall management. At
this stage, using machine tools for the various
production processes and staying in constant
touch with the technical office, the files needed
for the production are generated and shared on
line. We must also agree on the priorities.
When the first prototypes arrive, the assembly
department gets involved. If we compress the