timing, we should be around August or
September. So we will count on two or three
months of testing to plan the final production
and assembly of the car».
Do you use your own wind tunnel for
Eugenio Bardoscia: «The wind tunnel tests are
challenging to get done in only one year. You
can start using the wind tunnel in July, and in
a couple of months have a model of the car,
but this is usually the moment when you
define the components. Potentially, it’s
feasible, but it’s more complicated to get the
iterations done. It would mean delaying the
project by months. On the other hand, having
one and a half year for the job will provide
room for a good study in terms of aero
So let’s test! What happens?
Corrado Casiraghi: «As Tatuus, we’re
independent in terms of testing and we can
manage a test on‐track like it is an all‐factory
thing. A part of the production and assembly
department is dedicated to testing, and the
key suppliers usually also take part in this
operation. The first day is a classic shakedown
that helps us to understand if all the systems
work. There is also an initial set‐up activity to
see how the car responds to the changes.
Once we have a good set‐up, even if it’s not
perfect yet, we try to complete some reliability
testing, calculating the mileages and clarifying
all what is needed. In this moment, problems
might arise so the goal is to anticipate the
solutions in order to re‐test the car again
before going into the final production».
Is there a ‘crisis unit’ for the emergency?
Gianfranco De Bellis: «In our job, urgencies
are a daily occurrence, and everybody at
Tatuus is always ready to work on Saturdays,
Sundays or during night time in order to
provide optimal and definitive solutions for
any problem. But the more the years go by
and the experience grows, the less problems
we have to face. The example is Formula 4.
Despite we delivered the cars shortly before
the first race, only a few improvements were
needed and they did fit well with production
and delivery. We have built 2000 cars using
the same system. Sometimes, the budgets
imposed by the manufacturers mean we have
to cope with some limits. Our prototype car
was a completely internal project, while with
Formula 4 there were some precise
CNC Machines