Fastlane Magazine - page 3

rocket start
The 2014 series, promoted by Fast Lane Promotion,
delivered an exciting season opener with high car counts and some
top-class racers that highlighted the Imola roster
With themuch-anticipated seasonopener at Imola, the
FormulaRenault 2.0ALPS series entered its 2014
seasonwithbothquantity andquality. The year started
off in-stylewith a field including40 cars and two
spectacular racers involvingdrivers from all around the
globe. And every singleoneof themhad a story to tell,
highhopes and thepotential needed to start a
successful climb through themotorsport ladder and
follow in the footsteps of their forerunners. Thanks to
this character, theALPS series hasbecome a
prestigious showcase featuring an extremely high
number of top-class teams anddrivers. The series has
alsogrownmore andmore international (21different
countrieswere represented in the Imola roster) and
high-quality, as it is alsowell-regardedby theupper
championships and theFormula1 junior programs.
FDA, RedBull, Caterham andMcLarenbrought their
best prospects to the series, sure tohave found a
perfect breedingground. TheALPS experiencewill
enable them to learn thebasics concepts of racing,
that will prove extremely valuable through the rest of
their career.Winning a championship featuring40 cars
is never easy. History tells us that when a
championship involves suchhigh car counts, the
winningdriver has reallymade thedifference. In fact,
the roll of honor of theFast Lane-promoted series is
just a further confirmationof the series’ winning
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