Fastlane Magazine - page 12

The team needs no introductions. Everybody
who knowsmotorsport is aware of how
FortecMotorsport hasmade history. The
operation, directed by RichardDutton, has
deep English roots and has become a real
corporationwith programs in seven different
championship. Their ALPS debut came in the
2014 opener at Imola andwith a stunning
seven-car line-up. Four of themwill be fielded
in thewhole championshipwhile threemore
carswere added at Imola for the Fortec
Eurocup drivers as they enjoyed the chance
to race in the ALPS series too. “We signed up
for this championship becausemany of the
driverswewere in contact with
asked us to be part of this
competitive series, as it
prepares them verywell for the
future - explains TeamPrincipal
James Dye - the level is
definitely hight and, at a first
sight, it seems a verywell-
organized series. There are no
obscure decisions taken and it
races on some professional-grade tracks also
visited by F.1. It seemed like a clever choice.
We are proud to havemade it and to be part
of the Renault ALPS championship”. The
team that runs the Formula Renault 2.0
operation has been in Italy for the first time
and on a pretty tough circuit. “It’s been our
first time and I have to say that everything
worked prettywell, except for theweather
that conditioned our results and the red flag
that prevented us from improving at the end
of qualifying”. At Imola, the results of the
Fortec stablewere conditioned by qualifying
and haven’t been impressive. On the other
hand, Dye is convinced that his
drivers have all what it takes to
join the the battle at the front.
“Of coursewe hope to fight for
the title. I believe our drivers
have all what it takes for that:
they are quick and have the right
approach. I thinkwe’ll have a
realistic chance to fight as
Dye: “A top-classseries”
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