The 2014 F.Renault ALPS championship is
featuring eight drivers coming fromRussia, an
extremely valuable presence for the series.
Many young and interesting prospects are
aiming to follow in the footsteps of fellow
countryman Kvyat, whomade it to Formula 1
after winning the 2012 ALPS series
The long entry roster for the first roundof the
2014FormulaRenault 2.0ALPSwas a very
international onewith an incredible21 coun-
tries represented. Inotherwords, theALPS
drivers come from all over theworld. Thebest
represented country isRussia and that con-
firms how steadily the easternnation’smotor-
sports scene is growing. The2014Russian
drivers are the last representatives of aproject
that started a few yearsback in time. Aproject
that brought toF.1VitalyPetrov, whomoved