Fastlane Magazine - page 4

De Vries hopes
to rewrite history
Is this the aimof youngNyckDeVries? It’sprobably to
soon to tell, but the juniorMcLarendriver clearly showed
his straight-headed attitude for this season. Hehasbeen
theweekend’smatchwinner by scoring twopole
positions and then twodominant wins. InRace1, he
startedout front and kept BrunoBonifacio at bay for the
whole race as theBrazilianwas hismain challenger of
theday. DeVriesdidn’t get scared and kept his focus
even after a safety-car intervention. At the re-start, he
picked-up fromwherehe let off, holding thepoint until
the checkered flag fell. InRace2, he showedhis full
potential by going from fast lap to fast lap as he
progressivelybuilt enough cushion tobeout of danger.
Inotherwords, there couldn’t havebeen abetter start for
him and for the front-runningKoiranenGP team.
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