his first steps inmotorsports in the
F.Renault 2.0 Italia, andDaniil Kvyat, who
madehis F.1debut this season after
havingwon the2012FormulaRenault
ALPSSeries. The success of youngKvyat
is also aperfect exampleof thehigh-qua-
lity natureof theALPS championship.
Thanks toSMPRacing team, theprogram
aimed at developing the agonistic skills of
youngRussiandriversbefore turning them
into the stars of the future,manyRussians
joined the series this season. KoiranenGP
fields twoof them,Mihail Tarasov and
Vitaly Larionov. JenzerMotorsport lined-
upDenisKorneev eDennisAnoshin.
YoungmanMatevos Isaakyanhas joined
JDMotorsport whileSemenEvstigneev is
racing for BVM andTech1Racing also
has two cars for VasilyRomanov andEgor
Orudzhev. All thedrivers are young and
extremely focused in accomplishing their
mission: follow in the successful footsteps
of Daniil Kvyat. AndnowRussia can also
rely on two international-grade circuits: the
MoscowRaceway, hosting a roundof the
WorldSeriesbyRenault (including the
Eurocup2.0) and theSochi Autodrome,
which is set tobe completedbeforewel-
comingFormula1 at the endof the sea-
son.With such a sensational first time
coming, it’s no surprise that the local
motorsport environment is experiencing a
verypositivemoment of growth.