7 Dic [16:24]
Presentata a Monaco
la Dallara versione 2007
In occasione del Motor Sport Business Forum a Monaco, gli organizzatori della GP2 Series, con Bruno Michel al timone, hanno presentato la nuova versione della Dallara che affronterà la stagione 2007. La monoposto rappresenta un ulteriore incremento delle prestazioni che già quest'anno, con l'introduzione delle gomme slick della Bridgestone, ha ricevuto un notevole step avvicinando di molto i riferimenti cronometrici delle monoposto schierate nelle ultime file dei GP di F.1. Le novità tecniche sono rappresentate dall'introduzione di nuove bandelle laterali e un diverso profilo superiore dell'alettone; dalle alette situate nella zona del rollbar; dai camini posti sulle fiancate.
The GP2 series is proud to unveil the final incarnation of its debut challenger. The 2007-spec car is the latest and last version of the original Dallara-designed single-seater with which the series was launched in 2005 and, following extensive testing by the GP2 series organisation, will be raced by all 13 GP2 series teams during the forthcoming season. The GP2 series promised from the outset that it would substantially revise its car for the start of each new season, and after the move from grooved to slick Bridgestone tyres between 2005 and 2006, and a subsequent reduction in rear-end downforce to compensate for the increased grip the new tyres created, an all-new aero kit has been designed for 2007. This new kit includes an engine-cover-mounted mid wing, new sidepod-mounted exhaust chimneys and “T wings” and an all new rear wing assembly. The principle behind the annual reinvention is to maintain the challenge of the series for teams and drivers alike, whilst ensuring that the racing spectacle remains enthralling for the series’ ever-expanding legion of fans watching at the tracks and at home on television.